No Product Features Product Requirements
1  Clients Target
  • The general public who need cash and are in the branch operation area of kingdom of Cambodia
2  Loan Size
  • Can borrow up to 10,000 USD
3 Interest Rate
  • Competitive and negotiable
4 Loan Term
  • 72 months
5 Guarantor
  • Negotiate
6 Currency
  • KHR and USD at Customer’s request
7 Admin Fee
  • From 1.00% to 2.00% negotiable
8 CBC Fee
  • Comply with CBC price list
9 Penalty Charge
  • Not more than 3% per month and for 4 days or more
20 រRepayment Type
  • Pay only interest and total principal at the end of the session(Balloon)
  • Pay only interest and principal for certain period every 2/3/4/6 months
  • Installment of principal and monthly interest(Declining / MP)
  • Installment of principal and interest equal to monthly (Annunity/EMI)
11 Colleteral
  • Requires mortgage on hard title or soft title