We, YLP Microfinance PLC., welcome all candidates who are looking for job opportunities and wish to join our dynamic and talented team. We encourage you to submit your application anytime, in order to prove your talent and experience. We provide the equal opportunity and for those who are qualified for the any recruited position will be contacted immediately.

Position Number of Pos Location Close Date Detail
នាយកសាខា០២ ស្រុកថ្មពួក, ស្រុកវាលវែង 31-10-2023 Disabled
ប្រធានមន្រ្តីឥនទាន០២ បន្ទាយមានជ័យ ស្រុកវាលវែង 31-10-2023 Disabled
មន្រ្តីឥណទាន១៥ បន្ទាយមានជ័យ ស្រុកវាលវែង 31-10-2023 Disabled
មន្រ្តីប្រតិបត្តិការសាខា០១ ស្រុកវាលវែង 31-10-2023 Disabled

Interested candidates are invited to send your resume and cover letter to HR Department through:

  • Address: Building #668, National Road #5, Korothan Village, Sangkat O’ambel, Serisophon Town, Banteay Meanchey Province.
  • Email: hr@ylpmicrofinance.com.kh
  • Tel: 093 222 074

Application Form

Please click on the blow link to download application form

Apply Us

Email: hr@ylpmicrofinance.com.kh
Tel: 093 222 074